ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance concludes assessment of UP Diliman’s BS Statistics program


SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

The Bachelor of Science in Statistics program of the School of Statistics underwent the 291st Online/Remote Site Visit in the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Program Assessment last August 29 to September 2, 2022, with the support of the UPD Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO). The assessment is for the renewal of the program’s AUN-QA certification which was issued in 2014.

Photo opportunity of UP Baguio and UP Diliman administrators, faculty and staff together with the AUN-QA assessment team

The week-long site visit, which was conducted at the University- and program-level, featured plenary sessions in the opening and closing ceremonies which were hosted by Prof. Jose Wendell P. Capili, Assistant Vice-President for Public Affairs, and interview sessions with stakeholders of the program, namely the academic staff, support staff, students, alumni, and employers. The opening session was attended by the AUN-QA assessors and staff, officials from the UP System, UP Diliman, and UP Baguio, the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office and UP Baguio Quality Assurance Committee, and the faculty, staff, and stakeholders of the three programs that underwent assessment. UP Diliman Chancellor Fidel R. Nemenzo and UP Baguio Chancellor Corazon L. Abansi welcomed all of the attendees on the first day of the assessment.

The assessors also conducted a remote visit of the facilities of the School of Statistics and the shared facilities of the University like the University Library, University Health Service, Office of the University Registrar, Computer Center, dormitories (through the Office of Student Housing), and the sports facilities maintained by the College of Human Kinetics. The assessors were taken on a virtual tour through Zoom by the camerapersons for each facility, with commentators describing the improvements done to ensure the continued and safe learning of the students. During the last day of the online visit, the assessors presented their initial findings about the BS Statistics program. UP Vice-President for Academic Affairs Maria Cynthia Rose B. Bautista also delivered the closing remarks on behalf of UP President Danilo L. Concepcion and reiterated the commitment of the University to pursue accreditation of all its degree programs.

Photo opportunity of UP Baguio and UP Diliman administrators, faculty and staff together with the AUN-QA assessment team

Prior to the assessment, the School of Statistics, through the leadership of Dean Joseph Ryan G. Lansangan, prepared its Self-Assessment Report (SAR) based on the third version of the Guide to AUN-QA Assessment at the Programme Level which encompasses eleven (11) criteria: Expected Learning Outcomes, Programme Specification, Programme Structure and Content, Teaching and Learning Approach, Student Assessment, Academic Staff Quality, Support Staff Quality, Student Quality and Support, Facilities and Infrastructure, Quality Enhancement, and Output. Assoc. 

The SAR Team is composed of Prof. Genelyn Ma. F. Sarte as the head, Dean Lansangan, Asst. Prof. Michael Van B. Supranes, Ms. Czarinne Antoinette A. Antonio. The SAR was subjected to internal review and was revised accordingly before being submitted to the AUN-QA Secretariat for validation. Funding for the assessment was provided by the UPD QAO through the Academic Program Improvement (API) Fund. Under the supervision of UPD QAO Director Aura C. Matias, the External Quality Assurance Team composed of Ms. Iris E. Abiul, Mr. Charles Jason C. Ramos, and Mr. Erick Prynze I. Sazon, served to coordinate the preparation for the assessment proper with the SAR team of the School of Statistics, Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and the AUN-QA Secretariat.

The assessment of the BS Statistics program of UP Diliman coincided with the assessment of the BS Mathematics and BS Management Economics programs of UP Baguio. The assessment report is expected to be released 2.5 months after the onsite visit.



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