UPD Academic Units Engage in Internal Process Benchmarking​

The College of Engineering visited the College of Human Kinetics for a benchmarking session facilitated by the Quality Assurance Office. This initiative explored integrating QA practices and ARTA processes at the COE, aiming to synergize academic and administrative processes in their unit.

UP Diliman Holds Two-Day Quality Assurance Summit 2024

Coming off a successful year for Quality Assurance (QA) last 2023, the University of the Philippines Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) hosted the UPD Quality Assurance Summit 2024 to continue its work in promoting and advocating for a quality-assured UP Diliman.

Beyond Compliance: CHK and NCPAG Team Up with QAO for Quality Assurance Appreciation

Aligned with UP Diliman’s strategy of mainstreaming a culture of honor and excellence, two academic units, the College of Human Kinetics (CHK) and the National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG), collaborated with the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) to conduct Quality Assurance appreciation sessions for their faculty and staff in preparation for 2024 QA activities.

UP Eng’g Continues QA Forum Series and Formally Launches its Alumni-Industry Advisory Council

Following the forum for their administrative and technical staff, the UP Diliman College of Engineering (COE) heads to the UP Bonifacio Global City (UP BGC) campus for their second quality assurance (QA) forum. COE Alumni and Industry partners gathered last November 8, 2023 at UP BGC to update them on the QA initiatives of the college and formally constitute the COE’s Alumni and Industry Advisory Council (AIAC).

UPD Takes Stride Towards Excellence: PQA Training and Gap Analysis Workshop Jumpstarts Institutional Quality Assurance Initiatives

Among the responsibilities of the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) is to lead the university in introducing quality management system initiatives and in setting up academic and administrative quality assurance frameworks across units. In pursuit of this mandate, the UPD QAO organized a Philippine Quality Award (PQA) Training and Gap Analysis Workshop last August 31, October 5, and 6, 2023.

UP Eng’g Holds QA Forum for Staff As It Gears Up for PTC-ACBET Accreditation

As part of its preparations, the COE leadership, headed by Dean Dr. Maria Antonia Tanchuling and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and College Quality Assurance Officer Dr. Leslie Joy Diaz, launched a series of forums aiming to engage the different stakeholders of the college and promote its quality assurance (QA) initiatives.

UP Manila Leaders Gather for INSPIRE -UPM

Leaders from the different colleges and administrative offices in UP Manila (UPM) gathered together to take stock of their current strategic plans and reflect on possible ways that they may align with the strategic thrusts of  the UP System in the second run of the Institutional Strategic Program for Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE) workshop held last September 17-19, 2023 at the Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay City.

UP Diliman Offices Gather for INSPIRE-UPD​

For its third installment, the Institutional Strategic Program for Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE) by the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) returns to UPD after a successful rollout in UP Manila as the leadership team gathered to know more about the UP System’s direction and gain insights on how they will align their respective units’ strategies to the new strategic plan.