Beyond Compliance: CHK and NCPAG Team Up with QAO for Quality Assurance Appreciaton


SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Aligned with UP Diliman’s strategy of mainstreaming a culture of honor and excellence (link to: UPD’s Strategic Directions Under CECLV), two academic units, the College of Human Kinetics (CHK) and the National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG), collaborated with the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) to conduct Quality Assurance appreciation sessions for their faculty and staff in preparation for 2024 QA activities.


QAO Director Aura Matias (seated, 3rd from left) with CHK Dean Francis Carlos Diaz

seaated, 4th from left), faculty and staff at the University Hotel

Last December 13, CHK Dean Francis Carlos Diaz and College Quality Assurance Officer Associate Professor Marla Frances Mallari invited the UPD QAO to present an overview of the quality assurance initiatives of UP Diliman to key academic and administrative personnel of the college in their December Faculty Meeting. UPD QAO Director Aura Matias discussed the different QA activities in UP, covering the difference and relationship between the Internal QA (IQA) function and the External QA (EQA) function, and the information system supporting these activities. She also highlighted the process for external review of their programs and guided them on how these programs can be externally assessed.

Clockwise from top: (1) NCPAG College QA Officer Dr. Maria Faina Diola with their College Secretary and Director of the Center for Public Administration and Governance Education Dr. Erwin A. Alampay during the Opening Remarks; (2) QAO Director Aura Matias leading the main session; (3) Onsite and remote NCPAGtalakay participants pose for a photo opportunity

Director Matias was also invited by NCPAG Dean Kristoffer Berse for an appreciation talk about quality assurance last January 12 as part of their NCPAGtalakay series. The NCPAGtalakay is a series of QA conversations on the futures of Public Administration and Governance Education organized by College QAO Professor Dr. Maria Faina Diola. The hybrid event was attended by faculty members of the college and heads of the different centers of the college, as well as their REPS and administrative staff. In addition to the orientation on general QA matters, Director Matias emphasized the need for all units to regularly conduct periodic curriculum reviews and feedback gathering, especially for graduate programs.



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