College of Engineering Revs Up Preparation for their PTC-ACBET Accreditation
- Written by: Kelvin Mendoza and Michelle Avelino
- Photo/Video by: Arlyh Hirao & Michael Baguisa

Quality Assurance Officers (QAOs) from the College of Engineering (CoE) teamed up with the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) for their Self-Study Report (SSR) preparations in an SSR Writeshop last May 18-19, 2023 at the UP National Engineering Center. CoE Associate Dean for Instruction and College QAO Prof. Leslie Joy Diaz led the two-day event with support from CoE Dean Maria Antonia N. Tanchuling, PhD., UPD QAO Director Prof. Aura C. Matias, PhD. and the Internal Quality Assurance Team of the UPD QAO, Senior Project Manager Michelle D. Avelino and Junior Managing Researcher Kelvin R. Mendoza.
The SSR Writeshop aimed to identify gaps in physical and information resources needed to finalize the SSRs of the degree programs that will undergo the Philippine Technological Council Accreditation and Certification Board for Engineering and Technology (PTC-ACBET) accreditation November of this year.

During the first day of the Writeshop, representatives from the CoE departments presented summaries and key requirements across the ten (10) criteria of the PTC-ACBET guidelines. The activity aligned understanding among the writers tasked to draft the SSR which will be submitted to the PTC-ACBET Board. It was followed by an orientation on the IAADS+ portal conducted by Ms. Rica Santos and Ms. Danica Valdez from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs – Quality Assurance (OVPAA-QA).

Director Matias and Dean Tanchuling, together with the Executive Staff of the College of Engineering, graced the second day of the writeshop during the resource assessment and coordination planning to address the needs identified. The Executive Staff and the QAO guaranteed their support to complete the resources requested by the participants in time for the accreditation schedule.

Five (5) programs are slated to apply for PTC-ACBET accreditation later this year. These are the BS Chemical Engineering, BS Materials Engineering, BS Metallurgical Engineering, BS Mining Engineering, and BS Mechanical Engineering programs. Other programs are also starting their external accreditation preparations. These are the BS Industrial Engineering program for PTC-ACBET and undergraduate programs from the Department of Computer Science and Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute who will be pursuing the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Network accreditation in 2024.

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