The UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) organized the “Kaisahan: Webinar on Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Mechanisms” last August 10, 2023 as part of its third anniversary activities. This webinar is attended by Deans, Department Heads, College and Department Quality Assurance Officers, and staff who are involved in quality assurance (QA) work who were able to deepen their appreciation of the QA tools, structures, and systems that are currently present in the University. UPD QAO Director Aura C. Matias led the presentation and discussion of CQI mechanisms, while Ms. Michelle Avelino, team leader of UPD QAO’s Internal Quality Assurance, facilitated the open forum.

Kaisahan participants posted for a photo with UPD QAO Director Aura C. Matias and staff
According to Director Matias, the establishment of CQI mechanisms in an organization is a testament to its dedication to the improvement of the quality of products and services that it offers. As a research and national university, it is imperative for the University of the Philippines to devote resources towards the unabated improvement of its services. Aside from ensuring the improvement of outputs, the existence of CQI mechanisms drives efficiency and minimizes waste and variation.

UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office Director Aura C. Matias
During the open forum, Dean Jerome T. Buenviaje of the College of Education expressed hope that the UP Diliman administration will organize a CU-wide strategic planning so that colleges can anchor and align their plans to the strategic plan of Chancellor Vistan. Director Matias agreed and said that the alignment of strategic plans fo the UP System and the Constituent Universities is necessary in order to fulfill UP’s mandate, mission, and vision.

Dean Jerome T. Buenviaje of the College of Education
Dean Melisa R. Serrano of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR) inquired about synchronizing the conduct of strategic planning, especially because the schedule of strategic planning at the UP System-level may or may not coincide with that of the academic and administrative units whose leaderships have different appointment timelines. She posited that other units may already have crafted their short-. medium-, and long-term strategic plans anchored on their own missions and vision. Director Matias advised those present that there may be a need to review their current plans and revise their strategic plans to align applicable programs with the UP System, as necessary.

Dean Melissa R. Serrano of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations
Prof. Jose Regin F. Regidor, Director of Institute of Civil Engineering, inquired about the availability of repositories of historical data that might be helpful for all the QA activities that each unit will undertake. Director Matias explained that currently, it is the Internal Academic Assessment and Development System (iAADS) that serves as the repository for such data and that each degree-granting unit has access to this system. Units are mandated to update their entries in iAADS every three years.

Director Jose Regin F. Regidor of the Institute of Civil Engineering
Part of the CQI mechanism of the University is obtaining feedback from different stakeholders such as the UP alumni and employers of UP graduates, but some units are still having difficulty obtaining this data. Dean Joseph Ryan. G Lansangan of the School of Statistics shared his experience in reaching out to the School’s alumni and employers when his ream applied for the AUN-QA accreditation of the BS Statistics program. Dean Lansangan admitted that getting feedback from these stakeholders was challenging, but as long as the feedback mechanism is in place, QA activities can be facilitated smoothly.

Dean Joseph Ryan G. Lansangan of the School of Statistics
In closing, Director Matias expressed the UPD QAO’s commitment to the further refinement and implementation of the CQI framework of the University in cooperation will all of the units. She also presented plans of the UPD QAO to equip faculty members with relevant quality assurance training which will aid in the conduct of internal and external quality assurance activities.