OAT-OVCAA and QAO conduct OBE Workshops for 2024


SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
UPD Chancellor Vistan with participants of the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Workshop (Batch 1 at the UP College of Law;
UPD Chancellor Vistan with participants of the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Workshop Batch 2 at the Institute for Small-Scale Industries)

The UP Diliman Office for the Advancement of Teaching under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA-OAT) in partnership with the Quality Assurance Office (QAO) conducted two runs of the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Workshop – the 1st on September 30-October 2, 2024 at the UP College of Law and the 2nd on November 7-9, 2024 at the UP Institute for Small-Scale Industries (ISSI) and National Engineering Center (NEC). Thirty-eight (38) faculty members from the different academic clusters of UP Diliman – Arts and Letters, Management and Economics, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences and Law – attended the workshops. Members of the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), namely Prof. Evangeline Amor, Prof. Susan Festin, Prof. Ruth Lusterio-Rico, Prof. Gladys Nocon, and Prof. Amihan Bonifacio-Ramolete, also attended the workshops.

UPD Chancellor, Edgardo Carlo Vistan
QAO Director, Aura C. Matias
OAT Director, Ivy Suan

On both runs of the workshop, UP Diliman Chancellor Edgardo Carlo Vistan II welcomed the participants and presented UP Diliman’s vision, mission, goals, and objectives, QAO Director Prof. Aura Matias shared UP’s philosophy of education, and graduate attributes, while OAT Director Prof. Ivy Suan showed results of the training needs analysis (TNAs) and led the leveling of expectations.

OBE Workshop Resource Person Prof. Rosella Moya-Torrecampo

Prof. Rosella Moya-Torrecampo facilitated both runs of the interactive workshop.  Day 1 covered clarifying gaps in OBE Understanding, a refresher on OBE’s basic precepts on program design, and latest developments and issues in curriculum design. Day 2 covered reviewing and aligning Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs). Day 3 covered aligning CLOs with Learning Level Outcomes (LLOs), Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs), and Student Achievement Profiles (SAPs) in the context of Teaching and Learning Environment (TLE). Participants were given homework such as undertaking various analyses and an OCAI (organizational culture assessment instrument) study, answering learner-type tests and drawing insights, and drafting lesson plans. Each day was filled with activities and icebreakers that supplemented and enhanced the learning experience.

Clockwise: Chancellor Edgardo Carlo Vistan, AVP Alyssa Peleo-Alampay, Director Aura Matias, and Dr. Nina Cadiz delivered their messages during the closing session in UP Diliman.

At the end of Day 3, participants presented their outputs – learning assessments of a program, course, or lesson aligned with CLOs, PLOs, and Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). The workshops were closed by syntheses of main takeaways – the 1st run by UP Diliman Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Maria Vanessa Lusung-Oyzon and the 2nd run by Director Suan.

UP Diliman Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Maria Vanessa Lusung-Oyzon

The purpose of the workshops is to assist the academic units in revising their curricula and in developing their Self-Assessment Reports (SAR) by providing the basics of outcomes-based education (OBE), practicing the articulation of expected learning outcomes, describing the components of an outcomes-based syllabus, and sharing practical tips and best practices in syllabus design.

OBE Workshop participants presenting their outputs


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OAT-OVCAA and QAO conduct OBE Workshops for 2024

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