UPD introduces Risk Management through comprehensive training
- Written by: Czarina Arevalo & Kelvin Mendoza
- Photos by: Arlyh Hirao , Michael Baguisa & Michelle Lagare

To strengthen UP Diliman’s commitment to quality assurance and integrate risk management principles in facilitating the attainment of the University’s core purpose, the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office, in partnership with Macro Vision Consultancy (MVC), launched the Risk Management Training on October 14-16 at the Conference Hall, Balay Kalinaw.
The Risk Management Training is a continuation of the ISO activities, after the successful ISO Gap Analysis and ISO Awareness Training. Participants from the three batches were able to gain knowledge on the methodology of risk management in the context of ISO 21001:2018 Management Systems for Educational Organizations (EOMS); conduct preliminary analysis of the University’s current processes and risk assessment requirements; and train the participants on the techniques of how to establish risk management.

Clockwise: Chancellor Edgardo Carlo Vistan, AVP Alyssa Peleo-Alampay, Director Aura Matias, and Dr. Nina Cadiz delivered their messages during the closing session in UP Diliman.
The event gathered 178 participants across the three-day training. These are composed of ISO facilitators, ARTA focal persons and College Quality Assurance Officers, as well as heads of units. Units under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (OVCA), Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Development (OVCRD), and Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development (OVCPD) obtained 100% participation, with ISO facilitators completing the Risk Management Training.
“The purpose of establishing risk management is to identify potential problems before they happen. Bases of our risk assessments are our processes, services and social responsibility,” Engr. Margel Jajurie, training resource person, emphasized during the lecture session.
The said training highlighted lecture, workshop sessions and group activities that fostered open dialogue among various units. Participants across units also examined and exhibited their critical analysis of the university units’ processes in the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. This was followed by the Opportunities Action Plan and Risk Management Workshop, wherein group outputs from the SWOT analysis were integrated.

Clockwise: Chancellor Edgardo Carlo Vistan, AVP Alyssa Peleo-Alampay, Director Aura Matias, and Dr. Nina Cadiz delivered their messages during the closing session in UP Diliman.
The workshop proper centered on identifying risks and planning how to mitigate and manage such. Crucial sources of risks include weaknesses and threats from the SWOT; interested parties’ needs and expectations; critical processes and social responsibility highlighting climate change. After the series of workshops, presentations of group outputs were conducted discussing insights on the units’ various processes and the mitigation and management of risks.
To further deep dive into the processes of various units, Engr. Margel Jajurie is set to facilitate the upcoming Process Mapping and Coaching in November 2024. This shall further support the University’s progress made towards Phase 1 completion of the ISO 21001:2018 EOMS certification project.


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UPD introduces risk management through comprehensive training
To strengthen UP Diliman’s commitment to quality assurance and integrate risk management principles in facilitating the attainment of the University’s core purpose, the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office and Macro Vision Consultancy (MVC), launched the Risk Management Training on October 14-16 at the Conference Hall, Balay Kalinaw.

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