Over 200 UP Diliman Faculty Engaged in SAR Preparation Workshops


SDG 4 - Quality Education

Faculty members pose for a photo at the UP Balay Kalinaw

The UP System Ad Hoc Committee on Quality Assurance Capacity Building (QACB) and the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) collaborated to deliver three batches of Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Preparation Workshops in May 2024. These workshops aimed to support SAR Writing Teams from various degree-granting units (DGUs) as UP Diliman strives for 100% SAR submission for undergraduate programs by the end of 2024.

Invited resource speakers pose for a photo with AVPAA (Quality Assurance) Prof. Peleo-Alampay and QAO Director Matias 

during the awarding of certificates during their respective batches

Over the course of three weeks, 222 faculty members and staff from 53 DGUs participated in the training workshops. The workshops featured UP System quality champions as resource speakers who led in-depth discussions on the AUN-QA Programme Level Assessment criteria. They also provided valuable tips on crafting a snapshot of their unit for their SAR and highlighted evidence available through the QA Portal.

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (Quality Assurance) Prof. Alyssa Peleo-Alampay and Professor Emeritus Irene Villaseñor, both from UP Diliman, were the resource speakers for the first batch, UP Los Baños (UPLB) Professors Niña Cadiz and UPLB QAO Director Myra Borines headed the second batch, and UP Baguio Professor and former Chancellor Corazon Abansi and UP Visayas Professor and Assistant to the Executive Director for Services and Extension of the Philippine Genome Center Prof. Philip Ian P. Padilla took charge of the third batch.

Each criterion and its requirements were thoroughly discussed, followed by workshop segments where participants assessed their level of compliance and identified gaps. The training concluded with reflection sessions where participants shared their experiences throughout the training, challenges encountered in their quality assurance journey, and their units’ plans for external assessment. The UP System Quality Assurance Team also provided an orientation on the QA Portal and other tools available for the SAR Teams, QA Officers, and their respective DGUs.

The training also became a venue to showcase the faculty members’ artistic talents. The National Institute of Physics QA Officer Prof. Nathaniel Hermosa II shared a short poem about their QA journey, College of Music Asst. Prof. Solaiman Jamisolamin performed a unique guitar piece, and the faculty members from the College of Human Kinetics organized short exercises during breaks and choreographed a line dance group performance with all of their batchmates. These performances added a dynamic and enjoyable aspect to the training sessions, fostering camaraderie and a sense of community among the participants. 



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