SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production One of the missions of UP Diliman is to provide transformative education across a
The UP Diliman College of Engineering (COE) is among the academic units gearing up for external quality assurance (EQA) with five (5) of its programs scheduled to undergo the Philippine Technological Council – Accreditation and Certification Board for Engineering and Technology (PTC-ACBET) accreditation later this year. These programs are BS Chemical Engineering, BS Mechanical Engineering, BS Materials Engineering, BS Mining Engineering and BS Metallurgical Engineering.
Quality Assurance Forum report template
As part of its preparations, the COE leadership, headed by Dean Dr. Maria Antonia Tanchuling and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and College Quality Assurance Officer Dr. Leslie Joy Diaz, launched a series of forums aiming to engage the different stakeholders of the college and promote its quality assurance (QA) initiatives. The series of forums started last October 16, 2023 with the QA Forum for the Administrative Staff of the COE. Initially planned to be a face-to-face activity, the forum was still well-attended by administrative and technical staff despite last minute changes, transitioning to online mode due to the nationwide transport strike. Personnel who are part of the skeletal workforce of the college and those who are working remotely joined the event where they learned about the basic concepts of QA in Higher Education and a quick history of QA in UP from UPD QAO Senior Project Manager for Internal QA, Michelle D. Avelino, and the QA initiatives of the COE from Assoc. Dean Diaz. accreditation later this year. These programs are BS Chemical Engineering, BS Mechanical Engineering, BS Materials Engineering, BS Mining Engineering and BS Metallurgical Engineering.
COE also invited esteemed resource speakers with relevant experience in accreditation to give their respective insights and share personal experiences. Assistant Professor Julius Andrew Nuñez from UP Manila (UPM) and an alumnus of the MS Material Science and Engineering program gave an insight on the value of external assessments from the perspective of an ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) perspective. Dr. Karl Vergel from the Institute of Civil Engineering (ICE), former COE dean Professor Dr. Rizalinda de Leon and Dr. Charlie Montealegre from the Department of Chemical Engineering (DChE) gave practical advice to the staff on how to prepare for the onsite visit.
The COE QA Forum for Staff jumpstarts the series of forums to be facilitated by the COE leading up to the PTC-ACBET accreditation later this year. The college aims to convene different stakeholder groups in the coming months to update them on the quality-related initiatives of the different departments and institutes.
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production One of the missions of UP Diliman is to provide transformative education across a
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