UPD BS IE Program Completes PTC-ACBET Accreditation Visit
- Written by: Erick Prynze I. Sazon and Charles Jason C. Ramos
- Photo/Video by: Arlyh Hirao & Michael Baguisa

The Bachelor of Science of Industrial Engineering (BS IE) program of the University of the Philippines Diliman completed the three-day accreditation visit conducted by the Philippine Technological Council-Accreditation and Certification Board for Engineering and Technology (PTC-ACBET) last April 24-26, 2024. UP Diliman Chancellor Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II formally welcomed the 48th Program Evaluation Team (PET) in the Opening Ceremony in the GE Theater of the College of Engineering. Also in attendance were Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Maria Vanessa Lusung-Oyzon, Vice Chancellor for Administration Prof. Adelina A. Pacia, Director Aura C. Matias of the Quality Assurance Office, College of Engineering Dean Maria Antonia N. Tanchuling and the College Executive Board, the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (DIEOR) Chairperson Assistant Professor Raymond Freth A. Lagria, DIEOR Quality Assurance Officer Assistant Professor Pierre Allan C. Villena, and the faculty members and staff of the department.

The Program Evaluation Team was composed of Dr. Cynthia L. Posadas as Team Chair, Dr. Dennis Anthony A. Kilong-Kilong as the BS IE program evaluator, Dr. May Rose C. Imperial as EAC Observer, Engr. Federico A. Monsada as PTC Observer, Engr. Lourdes Lasian as the Program Evaluator on Training, and Ms. Robelle Ampuan as the accreditation officer.

In the welcome meeting, Chancellor Vistan gave a background of UP Diliman, its constituents, and academic resources, and emphasized the stature of the University of the Philippines as a provider of engineering education and as a fertile ground for nurturing graduates who will lead in the advancement of knowledge and contribute to national development. He commended the leadership of Dean Tanchuling and her commitment to ensuring that the engineering programs of UP Diliman remain at the forefront of academic excellence and technological advancement. Chancellor Vistan also stressed the contribution of external assessment exercises to the continuous improvement of the delivery of educational services.

On the other hand, Dean Tanchuling provided brief information about the College of Engineering, the biggest college in UP Diliman campus. She elaborated on the profile of engineering graduates who are leaders in different industries here and abroad, the comprehensive research portfolio of faculty members, and the linkages with domestic and international partners. She also shared the major programs that her administration is pursuing, specifically the institution of more graduate programs, collaboration to increase graduate degree holders, the elevation of departments and programs to institutes, and support for UP constituent universities in establishing engineering programs.

On the first day of the accreditation visit, the PET met with the UP Diliman officials, College of Engineering administration, DIEOR faculty, staff, and students, and went on a tour of university and program facilities. On the second day, the PET met with the Industry Advisory Board and common area heads, and conducted a debriefing session with Dean Maria Antonia Tanchuling, Associate Dean Leslie Diaz, Department Chairperson Asst. Prof. Raymond Freth Lagria, and QA Officer Asst. Prof. Allan Villena.

On the third and last day of the accreditation visit, the PET, led by Dr. Posadas, presented its preliminary findings for the BS IE program at the GE Theater. UP Diliman officials, College of Engineering administrators, and DIEOR faculty and staff were present to listen to the report. Vice Chancellor for Administration Adeline A. Pacia, also a faculty member of the DIEOR, delivered the closing remarks on behalf of Chancellor Vistan. She applauded the dedication shown by the teaching and non-teaching staff who have prepared for the accreditation visit, and thanked the PET for validating the Self-Study Report through facility visits, classroom observations, and stakeholder interviews. Following the successful accreditation visit of five undergraduate engineering programs in 2023 and the BS IE, Vice Chancellor Pacia expressed hope that the BS IE program will also be given positive accreditation results by the PTC-ACBET.

The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, and the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering programs are scheduled to have their accreditation visit in 2025.

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