UPD introduces risk management through comprehensive training

To strengthen UP Diliman’s commitment to quality assurance and integrate risk management principles in facilitating the attainment of the University’s core purpose, the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office and Macro Vision Consultancy (MVC), launched the Risk Management Training on October 14-16 at the Conference Hall, Balay Kalinaw.

UP Diliman embarks on ISO 21001:2018 EOMS certification journey

University of the Philippines Diliman Quality Assurance Office staff during ISO 21001:2018 Initial Assessment and Gap Analysis meeting on September 23, 24, and 30, 2024

As a kick-off activity in the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD)’s ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organizations Management System (EOMS) certification journey, fifty-six (56) academic and administrative units participated in the remote and onsite Initial Assessment and Gap Analysis last September 23, 24, and 30, 2024 spearheaded by the UPD Quality Assurance Office (QAO).