UPD Academic Units Engage in Internal Process Benchmarking​

The College of Engineering visited the College of Human Kinetics for a benchmarking session facilitated by the Quality Assurance Office. This initiative explored integrating QA practices and ARTA processes at the COE, aiming to synergize academic and administrative processes in their unit.

UPD QAO Holds QA Clinic for Q3 2024

The UP Diliman Quality Assurance (UPD QAO) brought together 26 Quality Assurance Officers from various degree-granting units (DGUs) of UP Diliman at the recently held QA Clinic at the Training Hall of the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP) last September 09, 2024

UPD BS IE Program Completes PTC-ACBET Accreditation Visit

The Bachelor of Science of Industrial Engineering (BS IE) program of the University of the Philippines Diliman completed the three-day accreditation visit conducted by the Philippine Technological Council-Accreditation and Certification Board for Engineering and Technology (PTC-ACBET) last April 24-26, 2024.

UP Diliman Holds Two-Day Quality Assurance Summit 2024

Coming off a successful year for Quality Assurance (QA) last 2023, the University of the Philippines Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) hosted the UPD Quality Assurance Summit 2024 to continue its work in promoting and advocating for a quality-assured UP Diliman.

UPD Takes Stride Towards Excellence: PQA Training and Gap Analysis Workshop Jumpstarts Institutional Quality Assurance Initiatives

Among the responsibilities of the UP Diliman Quality Assurance Office (UPD QAO) is to lead the university in introducing quality management system initiatives and in setting up academic and administrative quality assurance frameworks across units. In pursuit of this mandate, the UPD QAO organized a Philippine Quality Award (PQA) Training and Gap Analysis Workshop last August 31, October 5, and 6, 2023.

UP Eng’g Holds QA Forum for Staff As It Gears Up for PTC-ACBET Accreditation

As part of its preparations, the COE leadership, headed by Dean Dr. Maria Antonia Tanchuling and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and College Quality Assurance Officer Dr. Leslie Joy Diaz, launched a series of forums aiming to engage the different stakeholders of the college and promote its quality assurance (QA) initiatives.

UP NEC and UPD QAO Join Forces for ASPIRE: UP Manila

The Administrative Staff Program for Institutional Resiliency and Excellence (ASPIRE) program returned for its eighth run, debuting in another campus after successful iterations for the OVPAA,  Diliman, Los Baños, and Visayas.